Continuum Consulting Acquires P4 Consulting
September 20, 2021
We are expanding!
It is with pleasure we announce that Continuum Consulting has acquired P4 Consulting. The fit between the two companies in terms of focus, culture, management, and curriculum is both similar and complementary. Having already collaborated for so many years, it makes sense to combine the capabilities and assets of the two companies. We are excited about the expanded offerings available to our clients and the fun of two teams now working as one.
For Continuum, this means being even busier! P4 brings loyal, high-value clients with interesting projects as well as a collaborative and flexible approach to meeting clients’ needs. With well-developed curriculum and consulting processes in both companies, the combination will set a high bar for best practices. Continuum’s back-end systems and processes bring a high level of sophistication and structure to power the innovative combined company to new levels.
So, what will Betsey Upchurch, CEO of P4 Consulting, be doing? Betsey has been pretending to retire for about five years. It is time to make that a reality. The sale of P4 allows her to pick and choose what work she wants to do, and Continuum provides the satisfaction of knowing her client base will be well-cared for and served over the long haul. She will be spending more time playing, traveling and doing pet projects for Team Rubicon, The Cajun Navy, and whatever other opportunities arise. She and the wonder dog, Abbey, are going to enjoy the outdoors and spending time with grandchildren.
Welcome to Continuum!