Leadership Tools & Resources
Continuum leverages a wide range of proven tools and assessments to deeply understand organizational cultures and desires. We use those tools to craft custom engagements that turn dreams into action plans that achieve measurable results.
Leading Through Novel Unknowns
Our guide to the predictable phases you and your organization will encounter during the times of unpredictable change so you can deploy the right leadership, team and organizational approach at the right time to yield the best outcome. Learn more.
Leadership Tool Cards
Continuum’s Leadership Tool Cards reinforce concepts and skills that help leaders and team operate more effectively. Learn more.
Workload Anaylsis
Continuum’s Workplace Analysis Toolkit is designed to provide both the employee and their manager with a clear line of sight to all work-related activities. Learn more.
“These leadership principles work. Our team leveraged the tools to have meaningful conversations in a way that was genuine and brought out the best in others. As a leadership team with a common language from the course, we authentically applied what we learned, allowing us to win the hearts of our workforce. From there, all the outstanding results followed. These tools changed my life and how I approach working with people. “
— CEO of Global Business Unit at Fortune 500 Company