Mothers, This Is For You

Wendy B. White (left) and Lisa Marie Main, co-founders of Continuum, with their daughters in 1995.

Mother’s Day is coming up. The day we celebrate all mothers everywhere.  But statistics rolling in this year tell us that a quarter of working mothers are considering leaving the workplace permanently.

Roughly, 1.5 million more women than men dropped off the job map due to childcare responsibilities in the past year, leaving women’s labor force participation at a 33-year low. The pandemic has made working mothers’ issues more visible and acute, but they’re not new.

This Mother’s Day, we’re wishing for work environments and spaces that EMBRACE the needs of women and families so you can thrive. We envision:

  • Generous maternity (and paternity) leave

  • Reliable healthcare 

  • Trustworthy childcare 

  • Flexible work arrangements 

  • Equity in pay and promotion

  • Supportive management

Happy Mother’s Day to all those hard-working Moms out there. We SEE you, we ARE you, and we’re here to SUPPORT YOU! Cheers to a day filled with loads of love, fun, chocolate… and some guilt-free downtime.

The Continuum Team


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