Case Study: Coaching a High Potential Executive
The Challenge
A global pharmaceutical company client identified a high-potential employee as part of their program to develop top talent. The woman came from Italy to work at a U.S.-based site and was having difficulty understanding and navigating the local culture. She was unhappy, her former stellar performance was dropping and the company feared it would lose this valuable employee.
Continuum Solution
A Continuum Coach developed a six-month coaching program focused on cultural assimilation to help the leader gain greater understanding of both U.S. and site culture and learn how to navigate team politics, rebuild confidence and re-engage with team members up, down and across the chain.
The customized program included input from the leader herself, as well as key members of every team and audience she touched.
Peers and management note marked improvement in her interactions and her goal attainment swiftly returned to high levels as the leader’s new understanding of her environment increased her confidence and positively affected her ability to navigate the culture and politics of the local site.
She has since progressed into a leadership role at one of the company’s new U.S. sites.
Consulting • Coaching • Capability Building • Change